Our dedicated team of pastors and church staff are here to provide spiritual guidance and support, as well as resources to help you on your faith journey.
In 2024, our church moved to a one-board model of church leadership. This model condenses the four administrative committees- trustees, staff parish relations, finance, and nominations- into one committee that meets monthly. The one board simplifies the decision-making process so we can spend more time in ministry to our church and community.
The one board makes decisions as a group, but tasks are delegated to these focused teams. Each board member has two areas of focus. First is their administrative team. Second is their ministry focus.
The one Board is divided into classes which serve for a 3 year term and then can be elected to another three year term. Board members can only serve two consecutive terms.
Class of 2025
Madeline Rowland
Kevin Bowser
Geoff Flowers
Class of 2026
Terry Buckner
Bob Binns
Gunnar Kohl
Class of 2027
Evette Isbell
Kim Edwards
Amy Law
Lanette Hartzog
These members focus on trustees matters such as upkeep of our property, insurance, contractors, building use policies, and other building maintenance.
Gunnar Kohl - Chair
Terry Buckner
Evette Isbell
The SPR team focuses on equipping our staff to fulfill the church's ministries. They handle job descriptions, job searches, and staff support.
Kim Edwards - Chair
Madeline Roland
Bob Binns
Lanette Hartzog
Our finance team oversees and guides our church's financial direction. They work with financial policies, stewardship, giving and budget.
Geoff Flowers - Chair
Amy Law
Cash Hamilton
The Connecting ministries team focuses on helping people to connect to the church and connect to our community. The team works with tasks such as hospitality, evangelism, greeters, community events and missions.
Team Members
Amy Law
Lanette Hartzog
Madeline Rowland
Cash Hamilton
Kim Edwards
Bob Binns
The growth and leadership team focuses on the church's ministries, which help people grow in their faith and engage in ministry. The team would help with things such as Bible Studies, Sunday School, Nominations, and Leadership Development.
Team Members
Terry Buckner - Chair
Geoff Flowers
Gunnar Kohl
Evette Isbell