
Sunday School

Sunday School is not just a way to learn more about the Bible and God’s Plan for each of us. It is also a great way to find a smaller and more intimate group with whom to spend time each week in the study of God’s Word. And it is for the whole family!

Find a class for you and your family today!

  • Classes for Adults

    Young Adults Class - Led by Amanda Flowers

    (18 to 25) Meets in Education Hall (first room on left)

    TnT Sunday School - led by Madeline Rowland

    (20’s and 30’s ish) Meets in CFC Room under Sound Booth

    Roundtable Fellowship - led by Ray Law

    (25 & up)

    Meets in CFC Dining Room.

    Pathfinders - led by Cindy Meadors and Kevin Bowser

    (40 & up)

    Pathfinders meet in the Education Hall.

    Seekers - led by Karen Wells

    (40 & up)

    Seekers meet in the Education Hall.

  • Classes for Youth

    Revolution Youth - led by Youth Director and Adult Volunteers

    (Middle School & High School)

    Meet Upstairs in CFC

  • Classes for Children

    Pre-K-5th grade - led by Kelly Freeman and Christen Thibodeaux

    Meet in the Children's Wing.