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Frequently Asked Questions

Have some questions about our church. See answers to some of our most common questions to the right or contact us below.

  • How Long is a Worship Service

    In total, a church service is about 60 minutes in length.

    The traditional service begins with hymns led by our music director and accompanied by the piano. We have some responsive readings, a time of prayer and a message by one of our pastors. Words are projected on screens, and hymnals are available as well.

    The contempory service begins with the Lake Houston Methodist praise team and band leading the church in music - song and lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will come out to share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus.

  • What Should I Wear

    Sundays at Lake Houston Methodist Church are exciting, casual, and relaxed.

    Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.

  • What About My Kids

    We believe that children need time in the main worship service, but also could learn and thrive in their own setting. That is why we have a hybrid model of children’s ministry on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am.

    When you arrive, check-in at the “Children’s Church” kiosk. If you are new, you must allow some time to register for the first time. If you are returning, you simply need to check in and let us know your kids are here.

    Once you are checked in, go sit together as a family for the first portion of the service, which typically consists of a few songs. Then, after the scripture reading, one of our children’s ministry staff will call kids up to the front for Children’s time.

    After this, children who attend Children’s church go with the director, and children who stay in worship may return with their families.

    Children’s church is available for children K-3rd Grade.

  • Do You Have Sunday School?

    Sunday School is a great way to connect with others and grow in your faith. We offer classes for children, youth, and adults.

  • What are Worship Services Like?


    Our traditional worship service meets at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary.

    The music is mostly hymns accompanied by piano and guitars.

    This service is a more liturgical service with creeds, guided prayers, and other traditional elements.


    Our contemporary worship service meets at 11 am in the Sanctuary.

    The music is contemporary praise songs accompanied by a full band and vocals.

    This service is less traditional in nature.

  • Where are you located?

    We are located at 23606 FM 2100 in Huffman, Texas.