• Children’s Activities

    Wednesday nights begin at 6 p.m. with pizza and games, then followed by a faith-filled lesson and activities for each age group. Weather permitting the children will finish the evening on the playground. Please find a children's team member with the check-out kiosk and check your child out before you leave.

    Location 8 on the Map

  • Youth Activities

    Worship Wednesdays

    6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

    Location 4 on the Map

  • Adult activities

    Wednesday Night Women's Bible Study

    6:30 p.m.

    The group meets in the Education Building at Location 3 on the map.

    The group varies between Christian author studies, and going through specific books of the Bible.

  • Growth Groups

    Growth Groups are the best way to get connected and begin to experience the sense of family and community that you are looking for. We have a variety of groups for all ages, families, activity interests, and opportunities to dive deeper into God’s word, the Bible.