Our Church Directory is a great way to share your information and connect with other church members. Our directory is a part of our Church Center App which you can use on your cell phone. To download the app click here
To view our church directory go to your church center app and at the bottom tap on the three dots (...) where it says more. Chose “Directory” from the next page.
Click on any photo to see the information which that person has made available to share.
Cannot View the Directory
All church members should have received a link inviting them to view the directory. Find that email and click on the link. If you cannot find that email please email Cyndy Cormier at assistant@lakehoustonmethodist.org and she can resend the link to you.
Not In the Directory
The privacy of your information is important and therefore each church member has the choice whether to share their information. Therefore you will not appear in the directory until you specifically choose to do so.
All church members also should have received a link inviting them to add their profile to the directory. Once you accept the link you should appear in the directory. If not please contacty Cyndi.
Updating My Information
Once you are in the directory then you need to update your information and make it visible. Again we do not choose what information to share. That is your choice.
To update your, and your family information, go to the church center app and follow these steps.
1 - Choose the “Me” button at the bottom of the app. This will bring up your profile.
2 - At the top Click where it says “Hello, First Name “ and my profile & settings
3 - Here you can do one of three things.
Again if you have any questions, Cyndi is the person to talk to.
Church Directory Photos
Last fall we set up a few opportunities for members to have their photos professionally taken. These were used for the directory photos. Anyone who had their photo taken should have received an email with a link to all of their photos.
If you did not receive a link or need a link sent again, guess what? Talk to Cyndi! She can send you another link. And please know this. Those photos are yours to use wherever you wish. There is no cost at all. We just thank you for participating!
Need a Photo Taken
We will have opportunities 3-4 times per year where we will take more photos for those who need photos taken. Keep checking social media, e-news and our newsletter to find the next date.